Friday, December 30, 2005


I guess there are times when silence is all that happens in one's head. Even though I manage to get to work and do nothing but blah blah blah but somehow in the quiet of my home, I hear nothing but silence wanting to come out. That's not necessarily a bad thing. I guess just absorbing everything happening around me, sift it out to figure it all out.. and then come forward with an analysis.

I think a lot. Too much as Mr. Delicious likes to remind me. And as people who are close to me know that when I am silent is when there's usually a lot happening. Hibernation is a good defence while trying to come back up. Lets see ...what's happened this past month...

A biopsy which thankfully came back negative... which is probably why I can talk about it right now... which then sparked off this't life so totally amazing...which in turn sparked off the..."lets get the house looking at its full potential" mood... which then sparked off the "I think I want to be an interior designer" mood....sigh....chain reactions....interesting....

Life is good... always is... sometimes we need a jolt to remind us of it.... or to reinforce it... and to remind us of our mortality and "straighten up and fly right"! Anyway, this is getting way too philosophical and boring; better get to work....

Unknown at 7:28 AM
