Sunday, December 31, 2006

Voila..another year gone

so.. here we are... I stare 2007 in the face and wonder what wonders and disasters it will show me. 2006 was pretty disastrous... discovered things about people who i loved and were close to me that I really didn't want to... been let down and stabbed in the back... people's true colours came through... all in all a fairly disappointing year. So as I look ahead what do i think and hope for? It bloody be a better year than 2006 is the first thought that comes to mind. I hope it restores my faith in love, loyalty and friendship. Values, and principals. good guys do finish first sometimes. bell is ringing.. must be some of my friends urging me to come join the fanfare outside... I suppose i should go.. check it out again .. maybe something worthwhile could be found.....?

Unknown at 9:47 PM
