Thursday, November 15, 2007


I have been advised by The Little one to move over to now further blogs will be posted here :

Unknown at 1:03 PM


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Imran Khan

Someone sms'd me something I'm supposed to forward to know those mass sms type thingies that are supposed to motivate civil society to motivated excitement?

Islami Jamiat Talba handed Imran Khan 2 Punjab Police today after locking him in physics dept. Does it show Military Mullah Alliance is still on? Please circulate

All I have to say is (chuckle) Thank God Imran has been put into custody.. mad man... sorry.... again...just my humble opinion.... he's just another person exploiting the situation and trying to cash in on the situation as a freedom fighter.... (laugh)... I don't buy it!!!!! how about you?

Unknown at 8:54 PM


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

This not going to be popular

ok... so I'm back... because after a long time I feel I have something to say. I am disappointed in how everyone has been getting on the bandwagon to bash Mush. But when exactly did the present judiciary become such heroes? hello.... does anyone remember that this is the same Chaudhry Iftikhar who took his oath under the PCO back in 02? or was it 01? the point is he took it...why was it ok then and not ok now???????

The media?? well lets take an honest look at some of what Geo (fox of Pakistan) have been putting out there.... one would think the country was burning down at the way the country is being presented. Naturally the rest of the world will panic.

and right now we're just seeing both sides of the table react to each other..... the govt perhaps is overreacting...the politicians and media inciting the people...which causes more reactions and its all snowballing.... the mullahs don't need to do a thing...they can just sit us destabilize ourselves... and being the most organised group in the country... calmly come and take over when the you know what hits the fan.

The students are being excited and its great to see them excited and be involved... but can we not lead them on this panic streak. We as a nation are so used to pulling everyone down... Mush been there too long...lets pull him down now... how about leading the country with him.?

Benazir is ok to come back??? have we forgotten what she and her husband did??? but its ok because she is a woman and doesn't wear a uniform??

lets focus instead on education. a friend of mine made a very good one... no one...talks and does anything about education in this country which is ironic considering it is the one basic aspect that needs to seriously be looked at. Here is another interesting fact... this govt has given more autonomy to the education dept than any other govt has. Civil society has not stepped up and taken responsibility. We are more interested in politics, and the judiciary. We are responsible for where our country is headed just as much as the leaders military or otherwise. True the govt has a responsibility as well but then step up and hold them accountable to it.

Imran Khan is running around giving interviews in secret while Jemima has seized the opportunity to cash in on the press moment and that's ok? Don't get me wrong... I adore Imran Khan as the cricketer and I think he has done fab work for the cancer a faith in him there.

Just my opinion. Its very easy to get caught up in the moment of demonstrations against what are our rights...and yes they are ... and yes we should have them. But along with those rights come responsibility and we need to own up to them. I think at this point we need to back our President and fight extremism with him.... and yes the uniform will come in handy at this point whether we like it or not....its not the only way... talks need to happen too..I agree....

And i certainly don't think we should object when foreign reporters in my country are thrown out , who know nothing or care nothing about the realities and are only mirroring what the west is propogating because it is politically correct in the rest of the world... come and hurl insults at my President.. who by the way... represents you... and me....

United we stand...divided we fall..... lets all get on the same page ... we can have opposing views but we don't have to tear the country apart to have ourselves heard. Everyone is taking the "my way or the highway "stand..... what good does that do anyone? least of all Pakistan?

Unknown at 7:57 PM
