Thursday, October 06, 2005

Its a brand new day and I'm alive!

I suppose its a good thing I'm an optimist by nature. Its usually relatively easy to bounce back after one of those PMS days. Ramazan started today and I have decided I am going to use this time to search, seek. Having grown up in such a multi cultured confused background that I have been in all different extremes. I feel the need for stillness and truth. Tired of all the confusing messages that keep clogging up my thoughts.

Went to Roasters last night ... had the most amazing tasting food. Maya and I could not continue our conversation as we were too busy oohing and ahing over the khana. But we paid for it dearly this morning. Toilet sms's were going back and forth between us two girlies at 5 o'clock in the am. Our sms conversation went something like this:
Maya: Kahan ho?
Me: Bathroom
Maya: me too
Me: hmm. good food though
Maya: true

A true testimony of friendship i suppose. Time to get to work. Trying to get to the station earlier to work harder on my playlist today. Lets see what comes out. Wrong choice of words considering my morning adventure... but nonetheless...

Unknown at 9:49 AM



at 10:20 PM Blogger Raheel Lakhani said...

Glad to see you here in blogsphere. Interesting post indeed. Yes, I guess when people experience such extremes then meditation and searching for truth with the help of your intellect/rational basis helps you in giving answers to your questions.

Ramadhan Mubarak and Happy Blogging!!

at 10:26 PM Blogger Ambreen Haider said...

hey and welcome aboard the blogworld. hope the angry tummy is all calm now. and there's nothing more rejuvenating (or as i say, reJAvanating) than discovering our own self, or a part, in true spirit.

looking forward to more healthy Coffee Party shows and yummy discussions, and more Ranjhan. Thanks a zillion for playing wonderful music show in show out.

take care.


at 9:34 AM Blogger Unknown said...

Hahahah...tummy better... thanks for the concern..thanks for the warm welcome... still trying to get used to moving around this.. can be as frustrating as Orkut sometimes ..grrr...


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