Wednesday, October 05, 2005

mad at the world

there are days when you know why you are angry and what you're angry at, and you know what you should do....but then it takes a while to work up the courage to do that thing. Fear of one worse fears coming true keep one paralized in a state of status quo rather than taking things on. Today is one of those dark twisted days. Hidden in a smile, twinkle of the eye, wry humour here and there when deep down all I want to do is scream! This is when the the quote comes to mind "of all the things that I have lost I miss my mind the most"

Unknown at 12:07 PM



at 10:31 PM Blogger Ambreen Haider said...

a plastic smile, is still something that keeps hthe bubbling lava of a torture wthin, at bay. but its so relieving to literally scream out loud and drop dead right after, is it not?

at 9:31 AM Blogger Unknown said...

slowly learning about how these blog pages work... yes.. very tempting thought, occasionaly even indulged in... those closes to me bear the brunt


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