Wednesday, January 18, 2006

how do you know

how do you know when something is not worth holding on to ? how do you know what is the right way to worship... by the time we find the answers to these all probability it will be too late. Too often we hang on to the wrong relationships because deep down one is scared there will be nothing else out there... worship... what is that about... a way to communicate with God... give Him glory and complete submission in our lives... so if we use the Bible, the Torah or the Quran, does it really matter? He created everyone with their books and at the end of the day He wants man to submit to Him right? you're probably wondering what I'm going on about. After all, relationships and religion are two separate things...yes ...I suppose you're right... but these were the two burning questions in my mind this morning...thought I'd share!

Unknown at 9:13 AM



at 2:03 PM Blogger Raheel Lakhani said...

Relationships can also be tested over time. As far as religion is concern, everything leads to another and from all of them one is the best. Study nature and then study exoteric meanings of Quran and you will get your answer.

at 12:28 PM Blogger Ambreen Haider said...

'twas a brilliant show yesterday. i simply did not have the heart to call and be able to give my opinion. tings like these, where we hold on, somehow weigh us and our existence down.

it takes a moment, sometimes, and sometimes a string of things to help open our eyes. but we are only able to see if it was worth it, when we have let go and dont care. becuz when we hold on, we refuse to accept things. we love denial. obsess with the memory. and become a severe case of myopic.

but someties, it takes the smallest thing for us to realise what is worth it and what is not. its teh acceptance, that defines whether it was worth it or not.

as for religion: He has given us a mind, and different books. each religion has detailed guidelines. to avoid confusion, there are factions in "submission". At teh end of tehday, it us upto us to decide what to choose,. Yes, it is about submitting to Him.

at 8:16 PM Blogger Baraka said...

In Islam there is a concept of fitra, of being naturally oriented toward God as our human birthright.

A lot of stuff happens in life that obscures that natural inclination. Religious practices are meant to help self-reflection and thus polish off the accretions.

Similarly, we know in our hearts what lines a relationship must not cross in order to nurture us.

But sometimes we forget and need some space to remember.

Good luck!


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